# Submissions must follow the format and naming convention. Each team can # submit multiple entries if they have different algorithms or different estimators # (e.g. maximum likelihood vs median posterior). Please make sure the # name of the file is unique. The name of the file must be: "teamname_algorithmZ.h0" # # Please include in the header of the file the names of all the team members, # and their institutional affiliations and emails. # That way we can make sure everyone is in the loop # when we send feedback and make announcements. # # You should submit your actual results in a text file like the one below, # following these guidelines: # * Point estimate of H0 and its 68% uncertainty should be given in km/s/Mpc. # * Uncertainties will be interpreted as Gaussian: do your best to approximate it. # * If you tried to infer the H0 for one sample but could not (ie because # you consider your errors to be too large, or not well enough # characterized), please give both the dt and the dterr as -99 so we can # register it as a rejection. It's very important that you report an # estimate or a -99 flag for every sample you analyze, not just the # ones where you were successful. # * Some of the metrics depend on the number of systems analyzed. # It is up to each team to decide how many systems to analyze. # However, you should only submit H0 and H0err # values for the systems you analyze, removing the ones you did not # attempt. (This is why the -99 values for failed attempts are # important.) # * rung?_overall is the best estimate of H0 for each rung. # You are allowed to use any algorithm to evaluate it, # including rejection of outliers, etc. # Please email your submission to the TDC Evil Team at: # tdlmc-evil-team@googlegroups.com #dataID H0 H0_error rung1_seed101 65.28 5.78 rung1_seed102 72.58 5.75 rung1_seed103 74.49 5.60 rung1_seed104 63.79 6.00 rung1_seed105 70.85 6.60 rung1_seed107 68.40 7.53 rung1_seed108 78.84 6.05 rung1_seed109 77.41 6.00 rung1_seed110 72.53 7.41 rung1_seed111 -99 -99 rung1_seed113 68.72 7.00 rung1_seed114 67.49 7.01 rung1_seed115 70.33 6.66 rung1_seed116 61.36 5.38 rung1_seed117 77.10 6.62 rung1_seed118 79.39 6.59 rung1_overall 71.24 1.23 rung2_seed119 ... ... ... ... ...