Lens Data
Simulated lens data are generated assuming a flat ΛCDM cosmological model with Ωm = 0.27, including:
- HST image
Eight non-drizzled images with the drizzled image are provided for one lens system, together with the noise map and PSF. Note that drizzling introduces correlated noise. This means one needs to boost the noise level to be effectively infinite at central pixels of each AGN image while modeling drizzled image. The noise maps for the images are provided which contain the standard deviation of the noise.
- Time Delay
- Lens Velocity Dispersion
An integrated line-of-sight velocity dispersion is provided assuming a square aperture with 1 arcsec on a side and a seeing condition with a full width at half maximum of 0.6 arcsec.
- External Convergence
The kext are generated using a random Gaussian distribution with 0 and 0.025 as mean value and standard deviation, respectively. This, from the point of view of modeling, one can adopt a prior on kext of 0±0.025.
The non_drizzled images are put in the first layer of the lens sample folder. Drizzled images are put in the folder named “drizzled_image”. The other information of the lens could be found in the text file named “lens_info_for_Good_team.txt”.
Enjoy the data:
Download Rung0 True parameter for Rung0
The oversampled PSF as used in the simulation are provided; the pixel size is 0.13/4=0.0325 arcsec: